Ibanez JS240PSCA Satriani in Candy Apple Red w/gig bag
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This guitar plays and sounds great
The sustaniac works perfectly
Some specs from Ibanez below
neck typeJS3pc Maple/Bubinga neck w/KTS™ TITANIUM rods
top/back/bodyAmerican Basswood body
fretboardRosewood fretboardWhite dot inlay
fretMedium fretsPremium fret edge treatment
number of frets24
bridgeEdge bridge
string space10.8mm
neck pickupSUSTAINIAC® Driver (S) neck pickup
bridge pickupDiMarzio® The Satchur8™ (H) bridge pickupPassive/Alnico
factory tuning1E,2B,3G,4D,5A,6E
stringsD'Addario® EXL120
string gauge.009/.011/.016/.024/.032/.042
nutLocking nut
hardware colorChrome
Scale :648mm/25.5"
a : Width42mm at NUT
b : Width56mm at 24F
c : Thickness20mm at 1F
d : Thickness22.3mm at 12F
Radius :250mmR
Guitar Neck Diagram
a: Width of the neck at the nut
b: Width of the neck at the fret position specified by the neck dimension
c: Thickness of the neck at the first fret
d: Thickness of the neck at the fret position specified by the neck dimension
Radius: Radius of the fingerboard
When the tone knob is pulled up, the Susutainiac is on. When the tone knob is down, the Susutainiac is off. When the Sustainiac is off and the pickup selector switch is in neck position, the neck pickup is selected. When the switch is in center position, both the neck pickup and the bridge pickups are selected. When the switch is in bridge position, the bridge pickup is selected. When the Sustainiac is activated, whichever position the switch is in, the neck and bridge pickups are selected and the Sustainiac is affecting the sound of the neck pickup.
With the guitar held in the playing position, there are two switches along the lower edge of the body. The switch closest to the knee cutout is the three-way pickup selector switch, and the switch closest to the end of the body is the three way sustainicac switch. When the sustainiac switch is in neck position, the sustainiac is in normal mode, when the switch is in center position, the susutainiac is in mix mode, and when the switch is in bridge position, the sustainiac is in harmonic mode. There are two knobs towards the center of the guitar. The knob closest to the end of the body is the tone knob, and the knob closer to the neck is the volume knob. The tone knob also functions as a sustainiac on/off switch, while the volume knob also works as a high pass filter switch. They are both engaged by pulling up on the knob.
Recommended Case
Gig Bag included
High-Pass filter on volume control
Sustainiac switch on tone control (push/pull)
3-way mini switch for Sustainiac

JS 3pc Maple/Purpleheart neck
JS240PS features Maple/Purpleheart neck. The Purpleheart stripe provides stability and longer sustain.

Rosewood fretboard
Rosewood provides a well-balanced solid tone with a focused mid range.

High-pass Filter
A high pass filter on volume pots maintains highs at low volumes.

Edge Tremolo
The legendary, original Edge tremolo bridge, Joe's favorite in feel and tone.

DiMarzio® Satchur8™ pickup
DiMarzio® Satchur8™ pickup fully supports Joe's versatile playing style and massive sound.

Premium Fret Edge Treatment
Premium Fret Edge Treatment offer super smooth,comfortable performance.