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Guitars for Kids program sponsored by Backroads Guitars
Guitars for Kids Program
Here at Backroads Guitars, we believe every child should have the opportunity to play a musical instrument. We understand that in todays’ economy, many parents simply cannot afford an instrument for their child. We want to help resolve that issue. This is why we have created a guitars for kids program. To help get a guitar into children’s’ hands, we accept used instrument and amplifier donations here at the store. We then go through each and every guitar, clean them up, fix any issues, set them up, restring them, then give them to the less fortunate children in our community through our partners at noinstrumentleftbehind.org. Free of charge. This program exists because of the generosity of our community with guitar, bass, amplifier, and monetary donations. Please help with your donation today!
We have established a go fund me page where we accept donations. We also accept donations at the store!

Backroads Guitars -
Sales, Exceptional Service, Repairs and Setups, Guitar and Bass lessons